Linking policy

Links in

We welcome links to our website from external websites, but ask that the following is adhered to:

  • links to our website should not imply partnership or affiliation with, or endorsement by YoungMinds unless otherwise agreed
  • links to our website should not mislead in any way
  • content from the YoungMinds website should not be used unless cleared with the Web team. 
  • we do not permit blogs, articles, press releases or other webpage content to be recreated in full by third parties, except where special permission is given.
  • when special permission is given for third parties to republish our content, they must always link back to the original content source i.e. the original page, not our homepage. They must also have the following wording: ‘you can read the full article from YoungMinds at (link to exact original source).' If they wish to use any other wording, it has to be agreed with the Digital Content Manager at YoungMinds.
  • when referring to YoungMinds our name is spelt correctly i.e. one word with capital Y and M
  • our ‘in support of YoungMinds’ logo can be used so long as it is clear that you are signposting to us and not affiliated with us

We reserve the right to change our policy on linking in without explanation or notice.

Links out

We include links across our website that we feel are of benefit to our visitors and provide contextual information. Any link request should be made by contacting the web team.

We consider all link requests against the following criteria:

  • the website / organisation directly relates to the work of YoungMinds
  • the website / organisation adds value to what we offer our visitors
  • the website is not an individual or personal site
  • a reciprocal link is provided from the website to the YoungMinds website

We reserve the right to change our policy on linking in without explanation or notice.


Links on YoungMinds website are not endorsements and we are not responsible for the content on third party websites. Accessing websites linked to on the YoungMinds website is done so at visitors’ own risk. If you have any queries regarding our Linking Policy please contact the web team.