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The change we want to see

medium shot of four students wearing backpacks smiling while walking in the school hallway

We know there is so much that needs to change to create a future where no young person feels alone with their mental health. Here are some of the things that we’re fighting for.

  • We're fighting for all young people to be able to get the mental health support they need from the NHS without a long wait. 
  • We're fighting for schools to focus more on mental health, with less pressure on academic achievement. 
  • We're fighting for there to be somewhere in every local community that a young person can go for early support when they first need it.
  • We're fighting for the Government to recognise and address the big societal issues that are leading to rising mental health problems in young people.
  • We're fighting for the online world to be a safer, kinder place for young people to spend time.
Read more about the policy changes we're calling for

The Big Young People's Survey

A white speech bubble sits on a yellow textured background with the words: The Big Young People's Survey. Underneath the speech bubble it reads: Have your say on the big issues affecting your life and how you feel. Join in today.

There’s so much going on in our lives, and in the world, that sometimes, it can all feel a bit hard to deal with. But we believe everyone deserves to feel good and hopeful about the future.

With our friends at wagamama, we’ve been having the biggest conversation ever with young people about what society needs to do differently.

The survey is now closed and everybody who was successful in the prize draw has now been contacted.

Thank you to everybody who took part - we're so grateful for all of your responses, which we're going through now. Once we've read them all, we'll be able to let you know how your insights will influence our work, so watch this space!

You can sign up to our mailing list for updates on this and much more.

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Campaign with us

Four YoungMinds Activists at Downing Street holding placards calling for Rishi Sunak MP to Fund The Hubs

Fund The Hubs

We’re calling for a network of early support hubs across the country so that all young people have somewhere to turn when they first start to struggle with their mental health.

Read about what we've achieved with the campaign so far.

Find out more

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