Your donation will help create a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health.
In the UK, an estimated five children in every classroom have a mental health problem and 80% of young people with mental health needs said the pandemic made their mental health worse. But it doesn't have to be this way - things can get better.
We provide young people with tools to look after their mental health. We empower adults to be the best support they can be to the young people in their lives. And we give young people the space and confidence to get their voices heard and change the world we live in.
Call 020 7089 5050 to donate via credit or debit card over the phone.
Email for a paying-in slip, and give the address you wish it to be sent to. You can then take the slip to a HSBC bank to be paid into our account.
Download and complete our donation form to include with your cheque (payable to YoungMinds). Send it to our address:
4th Floor India House
45 Curlew St
To claim gift aid with your cheque, download and complete our gift aid form
If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please provide your name and email address on this form to access our bank account details.
This allows us to identify your gift when it arrives in our account so we can confirm receipt of your donation and say thank you. If you add your name as a reference on the transfer even better!